About the Journal

Journal Title Pulchra Lingua: A Journal of Language Study, Literature, & Linguistics
E-ISSN 2963-5578
DOI Prefix 10.58989
Editor in Chief Rizky Anugrah Putra
Publisher Yayasan Kyadiren 
Frequency 2 issues per year

Pulchra Lingua: A Journal of Language Study, Literature, & Linguistics is a distinguished scholarly periodical released biannually in May and November, under the auspices of the venerable Kyadiren Foundation of Biak. This esteemed journal extends a formal invitation to authors, researchers, and academics to submit their innovative ideas and groundbreaking research findings within the multifaceted and intricate domains of language study, literature, and linguistics. These submissions should present novel perspectives that have not been previously disseminated in other publications. Articles are expected to be meticulously crafted, demonstrating a high degree of clarity and rigor to meet the exacting standards set by the editorial board. The board reserves the right to make necessary modifications to various elements, including formats, terms, and footnotes, while ensuring that such changes do not compromise the essence, meaning, and substance of the original manuscript. Selected articles for publication will be presented in the English language.