Peer Review Process

This scholarly journal is released twice a year and comprises articles either directly submitted to us or commissioned through invitations. Each manuscript undergoes a rigorous double-blind peer-review process facilitated by members of the Editorial Board, which encompasses both Indonesian scholars and international experts with diverse research interests.

The evaluation criteria for submissions encompass the appropriateness of the scope, originality, integration with existing literature, adequacy of research methodology, research quality, and clarity of discussion and presentation.

Typically, the peer-review process spans four weeks, with referees assigned by the editors based on their expertise. The review process for 'Pulchra Lingua: A Journal of Language Study, Literature, & Linguistics' follows a specified timeline:

  1. The editor-in-chief will either send the manuscript for review or reject it within three days of submission.
  2. Each reviewer is allocated four weeks to complete the review, with occasional reminders sent by the editorial board. If the scheduled review period surpasses five weeks, a new reviewer is appointed.
  3. A selected reviewer is required to confirm acceptance of the review assignment within one week.
  4. Typically, manuscripts undergo two rounds of reviews during the process, occasionally only one.
  5. Authors are granted two to three months to submit the revised and corrected manuscript.
  6. The overall duration of the review process varies depending on the number of review rounds: approximately one to two months for one round, and up to four months for two rounds.

The editor-in-chief makes decisions at each stage of the review process within three days of receiving the complete set of two reviews. In instances of conflicting reviews, a third reviewer is enlisted.

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